Solar irrigation to end hunger

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Gefinancierd op 20 / 12 / 2021
£ 8,421
£ 1,821
£ 23,203
48 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 13


    Thank you for supporting our project! Your collaboration will help 44 families from Massane Association.

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 21

    Thanks + Project Photos Kit

    Thank you for joining! We’ll tell you about it through photos. you’ll get a photo collection of the project done by email. Once the solar-powered irrigation system installation is done, you’ll get the photos.

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 42

    Thanks + Digital Calendar

    Thanks for supporting us! As a special gift we will send you by email a 2022 calendar about rural communities in Mozambique and personalized with the name of the person you want. Plus, once the solar-powered irrigation system installation is done, you’ll get the photos of the project.

    > 07 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 63

    Thanks + Mention in our social media

    Thanks for donating! We’ll show our gratitude through pictures. You’ll get a picture album of the project done by email. They’ll be sent once the solar-powered irrigation system is installed. Plus, a huge THANK YOU on our social media.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 85

    Recognition in the fields

    You’re a sponsor! Thank you for supporting our project. We’ll include your name in the recognition plaque that will be in Massane Association. Your name will be written next to our solar-powered irrigation system which will help 44 families. Plus, an email with the album pictures of the project done.

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 127

    Recognition in the fields + Mention in our social media

    Thanks for joining the project! We’ll include your name in the recognition plaque that will be in Massane Association. We will send you an email with the album pictures of the project done and a huge THANK YOU in our social media.

    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 169

    Appreciation for companies

    Thank you for your solidarity! We want to give you a special recognition. We will include your company in the collaborators section of our website. We will also put the name of your company on the gratitude plaque that we will place in the Massane Association. Your name will be written next to the solar irrigation system that will benefit 44 families. We will email you a selection of images of the completed project. And a big THANK YOU through our social networks.

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 254

    Solar Lamp - Light Humanity

    Thank you! We give you a solar lamp, designed to be useful, resistant and durable.
    8 hours of Sun 🌞 = 8 hours of Light 🔦
    Ideal solar lamp for your trips and adventures, to read, go camping, ride a bike at night, or even to illuminate your camper van, garden or terrace. ([Learn more] (

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 423

    Ultralight Solar Panel - Light Humanity

    Extremely grateful! For this reason we want to return your solar help with another solar product.
    Solar Folder: Charge your mobile in just 2 hours in the sun. Ultralight, resistant and highly efficient Solar Panel to charge your mobile phone or any USB device thanks to the power of the sun. Designed to be easy to hang up and use in the city, travel and outdoor activities. ([Learn more] (

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 846

    Know our projects

    We invite you to learn about our projects on the ground. We can pay for your lodging and meals in rural Mozambique communities. We will take you to the project and you can meet Jeremías, Amelia or Rosita in person. The reward does not include flights or accommodation in the city of Beira. We cover the transportation to the community, lodging and meals during your stay in the rural area.

    > 00 Co-financiers
Our collective reward after Goteo's campaign is already available through our project's website.
5 last days of our 2nd and final funding round in Goteo. If you just arrived, catch up on this.

¡Último empujon!

Estamos en la recta final de #RiegoSolarParaMassane. Quedan 10 días para conseguir que 44 familias puedan regar sus cultivos mediante un sistema de riego solar, consigan erradicar el hambre y salgan de la pobreza.

Desde que comenzamos...

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¡Gracias Light Humanity!

Hoy queremos agradecer de todo corazón a Light Humanity y a su comunidad por conseguir un préstamo solar para nuestra campaña...

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This is a great support: 2,500€ donation to the campaign. Super thanks!

¡Cultiva Tu Futuro 🎵 !

¡Estamos súper ilusionados por presentaros por fin nuestra primera canción!

Cultiva Tu Futuro 🎵

Un proyecto hecho con muchísimo amor 💚

Gracias a Mango Sound Mozambique y a todos los artistas por colaborar con nosotros...

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Wow, we've doubled what we hoped for in Goteo!

¡Gracias! ¡Primera etapa conseguida, a por el óptimo!

33 personas habéis hecho posible que sigamos aquí luchando. Habéis conseguido que el sueño de instalar un sistema de riego solar para hacer prosperar la comunidad de Massane y sus 44 familias esté ahora más cerca de hacerse realidad...

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A million thanks to everyone! We keep crowdfunding in a 2nd round to achieve our optimum goal!
Excitement! 3 last days left to donate in Goteo. See who already did it (click here).
Yipie! Funding goal achieved!

¡Última semana para llegar al mínimo!

La campaña está a escasos 7 días de terminar su primera etapa y queríamos contaros en primera persona qué significa apoyar proyectos que combaten el hambre y el cambio clímatico.

Por eso os animamos a que veáis el video de nuestro fundador...

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Will we make it? One week left and we still need to achieve the minimum goal!

Como mejorar la calidad de vida y luchar contra el cambio climático

Comenzamos nuevo mes y estamos en la recta final de la primera etapa de nuestra campaña #RiegoSolarParaMassane.

Ya han pasado 30 días desde que empezamos este gran proyecto para nosotros y queremos agradeceros a todas las personas que nos...

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20% of our funding goal already achieved, this is moving on!
Wow! A donation of €1,000 to our campaign in Goteo, many thanks!

Gracias a la suma de muchos hacemos de este mundo un lugar mejor

Poco a poco entre todxs estáis sumando nuevas aportaciones a este proyecto y no nos cansamos de daros las gracias por cada donación nueva que entra. ¡Gracias, gracias y gracias!

Hoy os queremos presentar a Beatriz. Ella forma parte...

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Already 20 days of campaign in Goteo and still a world ahead. Who could also help with this? (click here).

¡Comienza la tercera semana!

Incréible lo rápido que pasa el tiempo. Para nosotros fue ayer cuando ultimábamos los detalles para iniciar la campaña y de aquello ¡ya han pasado 15 días!

15 días donde 19 personas habéis apostado por nosotros y por este proyecto...

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¡Seguimos sumando! Conoce a nuestro técnico Luis

Nadie mejor que nuestro técnico en terreno Luis para nos cuenta cómo funciona el sistema de riego solar que instalamos en 2019 en la comunidad de Nhaumue.

Hace 3 años conseguimos cambiar la vida de las 30 familias agricultoras...

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One week already in Goteo! Take a look on our motivations and who we target.

¡Gracias por este comienzo de campaña!

¡Hola a todas y a todos! Esta es la primera noticia que os lanzamos y esperamos que sea la primera de muchas más.

Sin duda los comienzos no son fáciles y menos en una campaña tan importante como es esta para nosotros. Hemos puesto todo...

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Click here and learn what we will do if we succeed in our crowdfunding campaign.
Who are the people behind the project just launched in Goteo.
First few donations, thanks! :)
This campaign kicks off!