Comunidad educativa "Flor de Montaña"

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Gefinancierd op 27 / 08 / 2015
€ 6.627
€ 6.575
€ 11.935
44 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen € 10

    Difusión de tu colaboración

    Haremos difusión de tu colaboración en nuestra página web como agradecimiento.

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen € 15

    Agradecimiento destacado

    Destacaremos tu colaboración (si tú quieres) en nuestra página web.

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen € 25

    Manualidad digital

    Te enviaremos, en formato digital, una manualidad realizada por los niños y niñas de la escuela.

    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen € 30

    Anuario digital

    Te enviaremos por mail un anuario con las mejores fotos con comentarios de los chicos.

    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen € 40

    Fiesta de comecenas, ven a visitarnos!

    Organizaremos una jornada para quienes nos habéis apoyado donde os ofreceremos un pequeño refrigerio, os explicaremos en persona nuestro proyecto y podremos conocernos y charlar.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen € 50

    Canción comecenas

    Video de la Comunidad al completo cantando una canción especialmente dedicada a las personas comecenas.

    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen € 80

    Presentación on-line del proyecto

    Podrás charlar cara a cara con uno de los docentes, para conocer cómo trabajamos en Flor de Montaña, averiguar directamente cualquier duda que tengas o conocer cómo va la experiencia. Si lo prefieres podrás charlar con uno de los chicos.

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen € 120

    Miembro de la Asociación "Flor de Montaña"

    Serás parte de la asociación y se te mantendrá al tanto de todas las reuniones e inquietudes que surjan dentro de la comunidad. Se te pedirá tu opinión en los temas de mayor importancia. Serás parte del proyecto de una manera activa!

    > 07 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen € 350

    Apadrinarás a un niño de la comunidad

    Ese aporte cubriría el costo de todo el año de un niño, por lo que te asignaremos un estudiante con el que podrás mantener un contacto una vez al mes vía Skype, y cuando tú lo desees vía e-mail.

    > 02 Co-financiers

About this project

Searching a quality education for a better world!

Behoeften Taak Minimum Optimum
Transporte Escolar
El alquiler del autobús tiene un coste de 300 Euros mensuales, por 10 meses
€ 3.000
Comisión para "Goteo"
Es el 4% del total del presupuesto, que son 11.260 Eur.
€ 450
Comisiones bancarias
El 2% de media del total del presupuesto 11.260 =225,2
€ 225
Becas para alumnos de las comunidades
48 Euros por mes por niño (7 niños, 10 meses)
€ 3.360
Behoeften Materiaal Minimum Optimum
Panel Solar
4 paneles polycristalinos de 200w (250 Euros c/u)
€ 1.000
2 baterías de 200ah 500 euros c/u
€ 1.000
Regulador solar
Regulador de carga para panel solar modelo H4T - 48v
€ 200
Inversor Solar
Potencia del inversor 2kw
€ 700
Panel Solar
4 paneles polycristalinos de 200w (250 Euros c/u)
€ 1.000
2 baterías de 200ah 500 euros c/u
€ 1.000
Totaal € 6.575 € 11.935

General information

“Flor de Montaña” Educational Community started three years ago with the objective of establishing an alternative school in Samaipata – Santa Cruz – Bolivia, that would offer children and youth a wholesome education for them to be free and smart, and to blossom generously in love and goodwill.

It seeks a genuine education based on the full understanding of one-self, of the relationship with other people and with the environment from a deeper and ecological point of view; an education with academic standards as high as those from the best schools in the entire world.
32 students attend the school. Since the project doesn’t get any financial support from the government, it is only sustainable thanks to the parents’ contributions and those from few people that became interested in helping out.

In order to be able to get the legal recognition from the government, the school moved to the countryside, 6 km. from the town of Samaipata. We don’t have any electricity, which increased our transportation and energy-generation expenses to the point of taking us to a deficit and serious difficulties.

Your help can contribute to this project’s sustainability in time, and also to the change-movement that seeks a better education for children

Belangrijkste kenmerken

Samaipata is a little four-thousand-inhabitants town, located 120 kilometers from the city of Santa Cruz. Its main economy is based on farming and tourism.

Flor de Montaña Educational Community is 6 km. far from Samaipata Town, in a 7-hectare land in which the kids develop ecological production, one of the children’s main learning means.
Through morning meditations, a harmonization circles, sharing lunch, singing and dancing, children little by little become aware of the other beings and how important living in community and helping each other are.

The educational system that we’re trying to apply is to walk with the student through his search of knowledge, encouraging his or her artistic development and ecological sensibility. THE TEACHER DOESN’T PUSH THE STUDENT; HE OR SHE ACCOMPANIES THE STUDENT. We firmly believe that children by themselves have all the motivation to search for knowledge, which gets restricted by a very homogenizing system that doesn’t give any change to develop any student’s particular skills. We look for a wholesome development of the being, with awareness of the learning process taking place and with a critical-constructive mind.


Waarom is dit belangrijk

The decision of creating an alternative school was a response to the low quality of education in this little town called Samaipata. Here, out of 120 students that graduate from high school, less than 4% pass the college entrance exam, and the majority move to the city as cheap workforce.
The project is focused on the entire community of Samaipata, in particular on children and youth. Hopefully, it will be repeated in other communities and have an influence in neighbor schools and places. It also has the goal of showing parents who aren’t very comfortable with the current educational system, that they can be active participants in a change process and they can make a better school that is thought for the needs of that particular context.


Doelen van de crowdfunding campagne

The goal of this campaign is to get a minimum of 5.900 euros to cover the transportation expenses and a solar-energy-production system that will allow us to start with the informatics classes and to have light in cloudy days.


Team en ervaring

We are in our third year, and the project gets better and better established every day. At the beginning we were only three families who joined in this wonderful adventure, but now we are a big group of people donating their time and talent to delve into the pedagogical aspects, build the infrastructure, make the furniture, participate in the learning process with students and face the challenges in management, administration and financing.

In the actuality, we have reduced staff, because we’re not able to afford more. We have only two teachers that cover all primary school, under the multigrade system (1°, 2° and 3° grade in one class; and 4°, 5° and 6° in another). For all high school, we get the support of voluntary teachers that help in different classes and workshops: languages (English and Quechua), arts, ceramics, music, organic production, architecture – feng shui and woodwork.


Social commitment