Building Communities of Commons in Greece

Gefinancierd op 06 / 01 / 2016
€ 6.680
€ 6.200
€ 8.700
88 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen € 10

    e-card plus credit

    A thank you e-card illustrated with a picture, addressed to you personally + your name will be credited in the supporters' list on the website

    > 09 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen € 15

    e-card plus credit on the web and on the film

    A thank you e-card + your name will be credited in the supporters' list on the website and also in the final credits of the documentary

    > 14 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen € 20

    digital poster

    e-card + mention in the supporters' list on the website + digital poster in high resolution (for A3 print size)

    > 12 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen € 30

    original soundtrack digital files

    e-card + credits + digital poster + link to download the music score in high quality audio

    > 11 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen € 50 t-shirt

    e-card + credits + digital poster + cd with the music score + a T-shirt with the logo, kind offer of the community. The T-shirts come in various colours and sizes (men/ladies/kids).

    > 08 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen € 100

    original soundtrack and the documentary DVD

    All the above plus the music score cd and the documentary DVD.
    Feel free to copy, share and organize screenings (just drop a word back to us, in that case, to include it on our news...)

    > 07 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen € 300


    All the above + honorary mention with name, organisation name or logo featured in the credits of the documentary film as co-producer

    > 07 Co-financiers

Building Communities of Commons in Greece, the documentary is now online.

19 | 07 | 2016

We cordially thank you all for your support that helped enormously the realization of the documentary.


Watch the documentary -english and greek subs available- here: 

Or , alternatively watch it at Youtube :

and at Vimeo :  

At the website, you may find links for all credits regarding the documentary production and as well as credits of all campaign supporters. Also at the news button, info about the screenings of the documentary in Sarantaporo area and elsewhere are and will be regularly uploaded. 

If a group or a person wants to organize a screening of the documentary, please contact us in order to provide you with a high resolution version of the documentary. Also, if again a group or a person wants to translate the subtitles of the doc , contact us to send you the srt file. 


Have a nice summer and we keep in touch.

On the behalf of the personal cinema collective

Ilias Marmaras


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