Swingdigentes graban disco... ¡En la calle!

Gefinancierd op 18 / 03 / 2014
£ 8,532
£ 7,683
£ 11,097
254 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 4

    > 06 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 9

    Advance Download

    Support us with 10Eur and have the album before anyone else. Also your name will be in the credits and in the thanks video.

    > 32 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 13

    The Physical Album, but better than CD.

    CDs are for frightening birds….Here we give you everything on a USB flash drive!!! And of course advance download, your name in the credits, and our acknowledgements.

    > 92 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 26

    Download, Pendrive and T-Shirt

    To all this you have to add an exclusive T-shirt that will let us remember this adventure.

    > 63 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 34

    Nostalgia? Take the vinyl!!!!

    All the above and our album on vinyl, we have class.

    > 30 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 68

    All merchandising

    We have a team of craftsmen working day and night to create all kinds of Swingdigentes products. Choose this award and take it all: bracelets, pendants, earrings, clipboard, briefcase ... In addition to all the above, if you send us a picture of you we'll stick it up in the van next to the stamps of the saints ...

    > 15 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 171

    Master Class: our concentrated knowledge.

    A Master Class for up to 15 persons, percussion and dance taught by our drummer and our dancers.

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 341

    Workshop: we explain all

    Masterclass If you know a little, we can show it all in a morning and afternoon session.

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 854

    Swingdigentes Show!

    We go where you want and we perform! Ask us conditions (or lack of them).

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 1,280

    Concert + workshops

    The complete package: we spend the day with dance and percussion workshops, and end with a show in which we engage our pupils. Not allowed for embarassing ones!!

    > 01 Co-financiers


17 | 06 | 2014

Ha llegado el gran momento de anunciar LA GIRA DE PRESENTACIÓN DEL DISCO DE SWINGDIGENTES.

Somos una compañía de música y danza callejera que nació de la fusión de la música swing, danzas urbanas y percusión reciclada en las calles de Madrid en 2011. Desde entonces esto ha sido un no parar, recorriendo gran parte de la geografía española y 13 países de Europa. Pero todo ello ¡sin tener un disco grabado!

Ahora por fin, gracias al apoyo que hemos recibido en crowdfunding de más de 200 mecenas, este disco es un realidad. Fieles a nuestro estilo e ideas la grabación se ha hecho llevando un estudio profesional de sonido ¡a la calle! Muy pronto el album estará disponible en formato USB y vinilo acompañado de la película documental que cuenta estos dos años y medio de locura, diversión, viajes y shows callejeros.

Este verano vais a poder disfrutar de los nuevos temas de Swingdigentes en calles, plazas, teatros, salas... de muchas ciudades, así que estad atentos y...


It´s the time to announce the SWINGDIGENTES 1ST ALBUM TOUR

We are a music & dance company born in 2011 in Madrid by mixing swing music, urban dances and recycled percussion. Since then we have been travelling non stop and performing all around Spain and 13 european countries. All this ¡without even a record!

Today, at last, thanks to the support of more than 200 patrons in a crowdfunding campaign, our record is ready to go! As to remain faithful to our style and ideas the recording process took place in the street! The album will be available in USB and vinyl very soon, in addition to our documentary feature film.

This summer you can join us and discover our new tunes in streets, squares, theatres, venues... so keep in touch to find the closest show to your place and...



Alberto Izquierdo Fuente
Hace 9 jaren
Hola chicos...el cartel es muy pequeño y tien poca resolucion....mandadnosuno mas grande..porque no puedo leer bien...donde haceis la gira......por cierto para cuando nos podemos descargar el disso?..un saludo

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