Tercer disco de Los Sundayers

Gefinancierd op 07 / 09 / 2012
$ 7,092
$ 5,893
$ 9,289
165 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen $ 5

    Digital download in advance, and listing in the album's credits.

    You'll be listed as a co-producer in the album's credits, and you'll be able to download the album before its official publication.

    > 14 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen $ 13

    The CD of the new album.

    We'll send you the album in CD format (shipping costs not included outside Spain) + You'll be listed as a co-producer in the album credits + You'll be able to download the album before its official publication.

    > 32 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen $ 21

    Ticket for the album launch concert in one of the tour cities of your choice.

    Ticket for the launch show in any city of the tour (autumn-winter 2012) + The album in CD format + You'll be listed as a co-producer in the album credits + You'll be able to download the album before its official publication

    > 11 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen $ 27

    Sundayers T-shirt

    We'll send you a cool T-shirt of the band + Ticket for the album launch show in any city of the tour (autumn-winter 2012) + The album in CD format + You'll be listed as a co-producer in the album credits + You'll be able to download the album before its official publication

    > 64 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen $ 54

    Double pack

    2 CDs signed by the members of the band + 2 tickets for the album launch tour show + 2 Sundayers T-shirts + You'll be listed as a co-producer in the album credits + You'll be able to download the album before its official publication

    > 23 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen $ 107

    An invitation to visit the album recording for two people.

    You will be able to come to the studio where we'll be recording, appear in the making-of video and have some beers with us! + 2 CDs signed by the band's members + 2 tickets for the album launch tour show + 2 Sundayers T-shirts + You'll be listed as a co-producer in the album credits + You'll be able to download the album before its official publication

    > 08 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen $ 536

    Exclusive show

    We'll play in an exclusive show for 40 or 50 people. Get your friends together and have a great party! (Madrid area only) + You will be able to come to the studio where we'll be recording, appear in the making-of video and have some beers with us! + 2 CDs signed by the band's members + 2 tickets for the album launch tour show + 2 Sundayers T-shirts + You'll be listed as a co-producer in the album credits + You'll be able to download the album before its official publication

    > 01 Co-financiers

About this project

Co-produce our next album!

Behoeften Taak Minimum Optimum
Production, recording, mixing and mastering
Ferni Duhalde's work of production, recording, mixing and mastering of around two months.
$ 4,286
Digital and live promotion.
Maldito record will publish some promotional CDs and take care of the promotional services and press-related matters .
$ 1,682
Live performance improvement workshop.
Live performance improvement workshop conducted by Gambeat, the bassplayer of the band of Manu Chao.
$ 857
Video recording.
Technical equipment and crew needed for recording a musical video clip. The song will be chosen by our co-producers.
$ 857
Behoeften Infrastructuur Minimum Optimum
Renting of the Revirock Studios for recording.
We'll rent the Revirock Studios at Vicalvaro (Madrid) for three weeks to record all the backings.
$ 536
Behoeften Materiaal Minimum Optimum
Publishing 1000 copies in CD format.
Maldito Digital will publish 1000 copies in CD format and manage the digital distribution.
$ 1,071
Totaal $ 5,893 $ 9,289

General information

Sundayers have been supporting Commons and free music for seven years. Our first demo and the two later albums were published under Creative Commons licenses, and completely self-edited, with no intermediaries influencing our way to perceiving music.

We've always believed in collective composition of our songs, in the benefits of sharing, and the understanding of the culture as a right, not a privilege.

Our project has grown up thanks to you, who have been listening to us, supporting us and coming to our shows.

Now we need you to participate as co-producers in our next album in order for it to come true.

Belangrijkste kenmerken

The album will consist of twelve songs, which will enable you to enjoy the powerful and creative blend of styles that define us. Lots of work put into composing and shaping the album together and including the new members to the band results in flawless harmony and originality of each song.

It will be registered at Safe Creative (http://www.safecreative.org) under a Creative Commons 3.0 license, ment for any user to enjoy listening, downloading and sharing our songs (as long as it's non-profit driven).

If we manage to achieve the minimum amount of money needed to record and edit the album, we'll invest in promotion, a videoclip and participating in a live performance workshop to improve our shows.

Waarom is dit belangrijk

We believe this should be important to everybody, so to you as well ! Our creation is dedicated to anyone interested in supporting new ways of cultural exchange, new ways of understanding music and interacting with the musicians, where profit and success are not the main targets.

We're making some videos of our rehearsals and the album recording process where you'll be the main character, going with us to the studio. That way you'll be able to listen and give your opinion about our work through Goteo and our social networks.

Here's a photovideo of our tour in Germany in June 2012:

Doelen van de crowdfunding campagne

We want our third album to be published and prove that music and creativity are not in crisis. We're able to get by without music industry or intermediaries taking advantage of the artists to keep an unfair and more and more obsolete business.

Help us to change the musical prospect and prove that 'another way of creating is possible'!

Team en ervaring

Los Sundayers is a band of ten members. We've been hiting stages for seven years with our mix of reggae, funk, ska, swing, rock etc. He have a brass section, drums, percussion, bass, keys, guitar and two female singers.

Here you can enjoy our last work: http://sundayers.com/descargas/

We've been touring festivals and other music venues all over Spain, but we've also taken part in some competitions, in which we've been very successful:

-Winners at Moralrock 2008.
-Winners at Festivaca Araval 2009.
-Winners of the Audience Prize at Festimad Taste 2011

-Finalists at the New Bands Competitions at the Spanish Communist Party festival in 2007.
-Finalists at the La Elipa's Youth Music Competition in 2009.
-Finalists at the Festival Despierta (Wake Up Fest) in 2011.
-Finalists at the Operación Bolos (Gig Operation) competition in 2011
-Finalists at the Simba-Emap 2012

For our third album, we'll work with:

Ferni Duhalde as sound engineer and recording and mixing producer in Revirock and Redhouse Studios.

Maldito Digital will take care of the CD copies and promotion.

Gambeat, Manu Chao's bass player, will work with us on improving our live performance.

We ourselves will design the album art and videos and will upload it here on Goteo and other social networks.

Social commitment