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Gefinancierd op 02 / 10 / 2021
£ 7,340
£ 4,231
£ 7,136
130 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 13

    We plant a tree!

    We will plant a tree, protect it and take care of it for you. In addition, we will name you on the list of collaborators.

    > 27 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 21

    We planted two trees!

    We will plant three trees, protect them and take care of them for you. We will also name you on the list of collaborators.

    > 26 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 42

    We planted five trees!

    We will plant, protect and take care of five trees for you, we will name you on the list of collaborators. In addition, we will give you a free night for two people so you can visit the Molino de Guadalmesí Ecovillage (organic meals included).

    > 28 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 84

    We plant your grove!

    We will plant a grove of ten trees for you, we will give it the name you prefer (Ex: Mary's Oak Grove) and we will place a plaque with the name there. In addition, we will give you two free nights for two people so you can visit the Molino de Guadalmesí Ecovillage (organic meals included). And of course, we will name you on the list of collaborators.

    > 30 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 422

    Sponsor an entire area!

    We will name an entire area that you choose (Ex: William's stream) and we will plant between 25 and 50 trees for you (including larger units). We will also put a plaque with your name there and name you on the list of collaborators. In addition, we will give you five free nights for two people so you can visit the Molino de Guadalmesí Ecovillage (organic meals included).

    > 04 Co-financiers


16 | 08 | 2021

¡Al fin HEMOS ALCANZADO EL OBJETIVO MÍNIMO del presupuesto! Hemos recaudado 5.065€. PERO AÚN NECESITAMOS 3.400€ más que irán destinados a cosas tan importantes como el sistema de riego, las herramientas, los costes del campamento de plantación…

Así que comparte de nuevo, cuéntaselo a tu vecina de al lado, a Paqui la pescadera… ¡A todo el mundo! Contemos lo importante que es plantar bosques Y SALVEMOS UN ECOSISTEMA ÚNICO.



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