Salvem la cala d'Aiguafreda, espai natural de la Costa Brava

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Gefinancierd op 30 / 09 / 2018
$ 12,602
$ 4,489
$ 8,337
144 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen $ 11


    10€ for us it is a bit of sand that will allow us to fulfil our goal. Any contribution will be very welcome and we will thank you on the web if you request it (people who wants to stay anonymously will not be named).

    > 30 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen $ 27

    Thankfulness and postcards

    With a contribution of € 25 the gratitude for your help is beginning to be more relevant. In addition to the gratitude on the web (only for those who request it), we will send you 3 postcards from the campaign “Salvem Aiguafreda”. Note: Rewards are only valid at postal addresses in Spain.

    > 19 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen $ 53

    Thankfulness, postcards and a tote bag from the campaign

    With a donation of € 50, in addition to the gratitude on the web (only for those who request it), we will send you 3 postcards “Salvem Aiguafreda” and a campaign tote bag, that we hope you like and enjoy. Note: Rewards are only valid at postal addresses in Spain.

    > 33 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen $ 80

    Thankfulness, postcards and two tote bag from the campaign

    With a contribution of € 75 the impulse is already huge, in addition to the gratitude on the web (only for those who request it), we will send you 3 postcards “Salvem Aiguafreda” and two tote bag from the campaign that we hope you like it. Note: Rewards are only valid at postal addresses in Spain.

    > 06 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen $ 107

    Thankfulness, postcards, tote bags and a Josep Plà’s novel

    A contribution of € 100 is a huge push for the platform. Thank you! In addition to the gratitude on the web (only for those who request it), plus 3 postcards “Salvem Aiguafreda” and two tote bags from the campaign, you will receive a fantastic novel of Josep Plà (an indispensable book in any home). Note: Rewards are only valid at postal addresses in Spain.

    > 10 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen $ 214

    Thankfulness, postcards, tote bags and a fantastic book

    A contribution of € 200 is a great boost to fulfil our goal. For these reasons, in addition to the gratitude on the web (only for those who request it), plus 3 postcards “Salvem Aiguafreda” and two tote bags from the campaign, you will receive the book “1001 curiositats de la Costa Brava" by Jordi Arbonès, another recognised writer from Palafrugell. Note: Rewards are only valid at postal addresses in Spain.

    > 08 Co-financiers

La Plataforma donem la benvinguda a Begur al President Joaquim Torra

04 | 08 | 2018

Ahir, aprofitant la visita del President de la Generalitat de Catalunya a Begur, la Plataforma Salvem la cala d’Aiguafreda va aprofitar l’oportunitat per entregar-li al Molt Honorable Joaquim Torra una carta emotiva, alhora que reivindicativa, així com una foto de la cala d’Aiguafreda.

En aquesta carta, els membres de la Plataforma sol•licitem al President la preservació de la costa de Begur, i en particular de la cala d’Aiguafreda, i li recordem que voler créixer sense sentit ja està prohibit en l’ordenament urbanístic.

Però en la carta entregada al President no només ens hem volgut centrar en lleis, sinó també en sentits i sentiments. Li hem parlat de llum, de sal, de tramuntana, de pins, d’anís, de ginesta... i li hem parlat d’identitat.

Amb el ferm objectiu de que els paisatges de Begur no passin a ser només un record escrit o una imatge pintada en tela i oli, hem volgut recordar al Molt Honorable Sr. Torra, que, des de la seva posició de President, també està en les seves mans impedir que malmetin el nostre patrimoni natural, paisagístic i cultural de la costa de Begur.

Link per veure la carta entregada al President de la Generalitat de Catalunya.


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