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Gefinancierd op 15 / 07 / 2023
€ 5.791
€ 4.900
€ 9.800
51 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen € 25

    SUPPORTER of Pepa and the Chameleons
    • Name of the supporter in the list of the micro-patronage chapter
    • 1 invitation to the premiere of the film in one of the different cities where it will be screened.
    > 12 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen € 45

    CARNAVAL COMPANION of Pepa and the Chameleons
    • Name of the travel companion in the list of the micro-patronage chapter
    • 2 invitations to the premiere of the film in one of the different cities where it will be screened.
    • 1 large poster of the film
    > 16 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen € 90

    DEAR CAMERADE of Pepa and the chameleons
    • Name of the dear camerade in the list of the micro-patronage chapter.
    • 1 copy/DVD case of the film
    • 1 invitation to the premiere, and to the aperitif after the premiere of the film, in one of the different cities where it will be screened.
    • 1 large poster of the film
    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen € 190

    FRIEND PROTECTOR of Pepa and the Chameleons
    • Prominent mention of the protector's name in the film's credits, in the micro-sponsorship section.
    • 1 DVD copy/case of the film
    • 1 cloth bag of the film
    • Unlimited free online viewing
    • 2 invitations to the premiere, and to the aperitif after the film's premiere, in one of the different cities where the film will be shown
    • 1 framed poster of the film

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen € 450

    SPONSOR of Pepa and the Chameleons
    • Prominent mention of the name of the sponsor in the film's credits, in the micro-patronage section.
    • 2 copies/DVD case of the film
    • 2 cloth bags of the film
    • Unlimited free online viewing
    • 2 invitations to the premiere, and to the aperitif after the premiere of the film, in all the different cities where it will be produced
    • 2 framed poster of the film, signed by the main protagonists and the director.
    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen € 900

    GODFATHER of Pepa and the Chameleons
    • Prominent mention of the godfather name in the film's credits, on a separate poster in the micro-sponsorship section.
    • 3 DVD copies/boxes of the film
    • 3 cloth bags of the film
    • Unlimited free online viewing
    • 3 invitations to the premiere, and to the aperitif after the film's premiere, in the different cities where the film will be shown
    • Direct interaction with the film's protagonists at all social events
    • 3 framed poster of the film, signed by the main protagonists and the director.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen € 1.900

    ASSOCIATE PRODUCER of Pepa and the Chameleons
    • Prominent mention of the name of the associate producer in the film's credits, next to the main producer, just before the scriptwriter and director.
    • Active participation (optional) in the premiere and all screenings, press conferences and public presentations of the film, in cinemas and festivals.
    • 5 DVD copies/box sets of the film
    • 5 cloth bags of the film
    • Unlimited free online viewing
    • 5 invitations to the premiere and to the aperitif after the film's premiere, in the different cities where it takes place.
    • Direct relationship with the protagonists of the film at all social events
    • 5 framed poster of the film, signed by the main protagonists and the director.

    > 00 Co-financiers


25 | 05 | 2023

Ahí van algunas fotos de entre la infinidad de imágenes no captadas durante el rodaje, pues nadie llevaba especialmente el "making-off". Fue un rodaje fragmentado y una experiencia que se alargó varios años, muy entrañablemente, como todos los rodajes suelen ser; pero en este caso la omnipresente naturaleza gaditana tomaba un papel especial, supeditándonos un poco a todos en pos de una idea pancinematográfica y humanamente panteista, de la que queríamos ser reflejo especular. Recordándonos aquel poema místico libertario de Jesús Lizano, cuando decía "El capitán. El capitán no es el capitán, el capitán es el mar!".


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