Gefinancierd op 28 / 03 / 2014
£ 7,399
£ 5,569
£ 11,467
134 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 4

    Web Recognition

    Donor name registration on Proyecto áSILO web.

    > 11 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 9

    1 Picture from India (middle size) + Free shipping + Web recognition

    A picture from India taken by our photographers. Your name in our web.

    > 18 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 17

    2 pictures from India (middles size) + free shipping + Web and publication print edition recognition

    Two pictures from India taken by our photographers. Your name in our web and print editions.

    > 16 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 26

    A bag for your books + 2 pictures from India (middle size) + free shipping + Web and publication print edition recognition

    A handwoven bag for your books. Two pictures from India taken by our photographers. Your name in our web and print editions.

    > 18 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 34

    Recipe book + a bag for your books + 2 pictures from India (middle size) + free shipping + Web and publication print edition recognition

    Bharathi´s recipe book. A handwoven bag for your books. Two pictures from India taken by our photographers. Your name in our web and print editions.

    > 07 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 43

    Cultural guide + Recipe book + a bag for your books + 2 pictures from India (middle size) + free shipping + Web and publication print edition recognition

    Cultural guide of India (wandering Bangalore). Bharathi´s recipe book. A handwoven bag for your books. Two pictures from India taken by our photographers. Your name in our web and print editions.escritas

    > 15 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 85

    Graphic Manual + Cultural Guide or Recipe book + a bag for your books + 2 pictures from India (middle size) + free shipping + Web and publication print edition recognition

    Graphic Manual: improving the habitability conditions of people who habits in temporary settlements.
    Cultural guide of India (wandering Bangalore). Bharathi´s recipe book. A handwoven bag for your books. Two pictures from India takManual gráfico de técnicas para la mejora del habitat social en asentamientos marginales. en by our photographers. Your name in our web and print editions.

    > 11 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 213

    Workshop + 2 Graphic Manuals + 2 pictures from India (large size) + free shipping + Web and publication print edition recognition

    Workshops to show Multihabitat-India project and to advise on how to face this type of collaborative project. Two graphic manuals: improving the habitability conditions of people who habits in temporary settlements. Two pictures from India taken by our photographers. Your name in our web and print editions.

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 298

    2 Virtual inquiry: Bioclimatic Architecture or Livingston method + Graphic Manual + Cultural guide + Recipe book + a bag for your books + 2 pictures from India (large size) + free shipping + Web and publication print edition recognition

    Two virtual inquiries (two hours) to advise on issues related to bioclimatic architecture or other consultation. Graphic Manual print edition: improving the habitability conditions of people who habits in temporary settlements.
    A handwoven bag for your books. Two pictures from India taken by our photographers. Your name in our web and print editions.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 426

    Full advertising page for your entity in all the print editions + Graphic Manual + Cultural guide + Recipe book + 2 pictures from India (large size) + free shipping

    Full page for advertising publication of your entity in all the print editions. Graphic manual: improving the habitability conditions of people who habits in temporary settlements. Cultural guide of India (wandering Bangalore). Bharathi's recipe book. Two pictures from India taken by our photographers.

    > 01 Co-financiers

CARTELERA Thanisandra

06 | 02 | 2014

¡Hoy traemos noticias de película!
¡Carcajadas y risas! Desde las más niñas y juveniles, a las de padres, madres, abuelos…

Ayer, siendo fieles a la CARTELERA, aparecimos en Thanisandra para montar nuestro equipo casero y estrenar el ciclo de cine de verano: “Thanisandra Outdoor Cinema”.
Además de todo el trabajo de investigación, análisis y diseño que estamos realizando, tenemos entre manos alguna que otra acción paralela que ocupa ya nuestro cronograma añadiéndole un toque de disfrute y complicidad.

La apertura del ciclo fue la pasada noche. En la sesión única “fin de jornada”, apareció Charlot en nuestra pantalla-pared de nuestra sala sobre el suelo improvisada.
Todos los que estuvimos ayer disfrutamos de los “Tiempos Modernos” de Chaplin y su buen sentido del humor, que nos recordó que el cine mudo habla en lenguaje universal.

Cuando termina la película y desaparece la pantalla, entre good nights, namaskaras, thank yous, dhanyawaadagalus…nos despedimos a oscuras, viendo sólo sonrisas y con ganas de volvernos a ver pronto y disfrutar de otro buen rato como el de anoche…
Un sabor con el que da gusto terminar el día, al que si además de darle un toque de tandoori lo acompañas con jugo de uvas negras, se convierte en el plato estrella del día.

Así que sí. La próxima será muy, muy prontito.


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