Laboratorio Ambulante para el Buen Vivir

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Gefinancierd op 07 / 01 / 2015
£ 11,355
£ 8,606
£ 12,636
111 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 8

    Digital Thank You Postcard

    All donations of 10€ and up will receive a digital "thank you" postcard with images donated by artists and photographers in solidarity with the project.

    > 22 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 17

    Collectives in Action Kit

    Stickers and postcards from Collectives in Action, sent to your home.

    > 18 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 34


    Double-sided, folding poster illustrating stories of resistance, resilience, and solidarity from Mexico to Colombia. A graphic more than 9 years in the making produced by the Beehive Design Collective. + Collectives in Action, sent to your home.

    > 16 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 42

    Mobile Laboratory T-shirt

    A t-shirt designed by the Collectives in Action + Collectives in Action Kit, sent to your home.

    > 29 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 127

    GRAVADO "Una pinta por Mesoamerica"

    Por cada donación hay una recompensa de un gravado único donado por artistas y colectivos que se indentifican con el proyecto.

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 211

    Your name in the Mobile Laboratory

    We'll put your name or the logo of your organization or collective in a designated space on our website, as well as in a space dedicated to collaborators in the mobile laboratory. + Poster + T-shirt + Collectives in Action Kit, sent to your home.

    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 423

    Visit the Autonomous Center

    Come visit the Autonomous Center for the Intercultural Creation of Appropriate Technologies (CACITA) in Oaxaca, Mexico for 3 - 4 days, with room and board. We'll share our 10+ years of experience cultivating grassroots alternatives, as well as practical knowledge of eco-technologies. + Recognition by CACITA + Graphic poster + T-shirt + Collectives in Action Kit, sent to your home.

    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 677

    Join the Mobile Laboratory

    Come and form part of the Caravana for the well-being of Mesoamerican peoples in resistance for one week. We will share the experiences and alternatives that we build from Mexico to Panama.

    > 02 Co-financiers

Los avances de la Caravana

27 | 02 | 2015
Los avances de la Caravana

(English below)

¡Saludos compañer@s!

De nuevo les damos las gracias por hacer posible el camino de la Caravana. Queremos mantenerl@s al tanto de los avances que han sucedido en el proyecto desde la terminación de la campaña.

Compramos una cámara de fotos nueva la cual usamos durante nuestra participación en el Primer Festival Mundial de las Resistencias y Rebeldías, convocado por el Ejercito Zapatista de Liberación Nacional (EZLN) y el Congreso Nacional Indígena (CNI)  en Mexico a finales de diciembre, con la participación prominente de los estudiantes y familiares del Normal Rural de Ayotzinapa en Guerrero.

La adquisición del camion se complicó un poco por razones relacionadas con la legalización del vehículo en Mexico, a pesar de que nosotr@s ya dábamos esto por hecho. Ahora el gobierno Mexicano esta subiendo el precio de este tramite y ha cerrado la frontera para vehículos extranjeros. Entonces, estamos avanzando sobre otras opciones viables y les vamos a avisar en cuanto adquieramos el transporte.

En estos dias vamos a mandar una carpeta detallada a las comunidades que van a participar en la Caravana. La carpeta incluye una descripción y fotos de todas las Herramientas para el Buen Vivir.

Pueden encontrar más noticias sobre los avances de la caravana aquí:

Agradecemos tu apoyo.

Abrazos combativos,
Colectivos en Acción



We write to once again express our deep gratitude for making the Caravan possible, as well as to keep you posted of the advances we've made since the end of our crowdfunding campaign.

With funds raised we purchased a new photo camera, which we used during our participation in the Festival of Resistances and Rebellions, organized by the Zapatisa Army of National Liberarion (EZLN) and the National Indigenous Congress (CNI), with prominent participation by the students and family members of the students forcibly disappeared from the rural teachers college in Ayotzinapa, Guerrero.

Our acquisition of the vehicle for the Mobile Laboratory has been complicated by issues relating to its legalization in Mexico which we'd thought had already been resolved. Now the Mexican government is trying to raise the price and close the border for the legalization of foreign vehicles. So, we're moving forward with other viable options and will let you know once everything is sorted out!

In the coming days we'll be sending a detailed letter to the communities that are participating in the project, including descriptions and images of the workshops and activities we propose to offer.

You can find ongoing news about the advances of the Caravan at

Thank you for your ongoing support!

In Solidarity,

Collectives in Action


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