La Bicicleta Cycling Café & Workplace

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Gefinancierd op 25 / 01 / 2013
£ 4,480
£ 4,392
£ 6,081
153 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 4

    Full breakfast for two

    Delicious full breakfast for you and for the person you choose (doesn’t matter if you met him/her last night) + your name in the acknowledgements list on our webpage (aka a hug + a pat on the back)

    > 12 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 8

    A 4 full-breakfast voucher

    You get a voucher for 4 full individual breakfasts. That includes a
    cappuccino prepared by our pro barista, a natural freshly made orange
    juice and a toast with organic marmalade or a recently baked French
    butter-croissant (the real one) + acknowledgement on our webpage

    > 45 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 13

    A 4 full-breakfast voucher and a pack of coffee

    A voucher for 4 full individual breakfasts consists of one cappuccino
    prepared by our pro barista, a natural freshly made orange juice and
    a toast with organic marmalade or a recently baked French butter-
    croissant (the real one) + you get a pack of coffee (whole bean or
    ground coffee) depending on the coffee machine you have…so that
    you could enjoy our coffee at your home (shipping is included) +
    acknowledgements on our webpage

    > 28 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 21

    A pack of our coffee blend and an 8 full-breakfast voucher (or a cycling cap)

    Be attentive, because now comes the best: in addition to the coffee bag
    of 250 gr, you will be entitled to either breakfasts or to an exclusive La
    Bicicleta cycling cap. You can choose between: (A) an 8 full-breakfast
    voucher + a pack of 250 gr of coffee (shipping included) or option (B, if
    Madrid is not your city) La Bicicleta Café cycling cap + pack of 250gr of
    coffee (shipping included) + Acknowledgements on our home page in
    both cases, of course :)

    > 23 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 25

    Lucky Basterds Exclusive-design cycling cap

    One of the handcrafting workshops related to the nation-wide urban cycling scene is involved in the project and makes it possible to offer you some cycling caps produced in collaboration with La Bicicleta exclusively for the occasion. Made using raw material, produced locally, and as always masterly sewn up.

    > 07 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 30

    Lucky Basterds straps

    Urban fixie riders, we have a few pairs of LB pedal straps deliberately designed for our project. They are probably the most resistant and the most practical of those produced in our country. Available in the same colors as the caps, in case you fancy combining them :)

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 34

    Dale Pedales bicycle baskets

    A perfect accessory for your city bike is a hand-made wicker basket polished off with a water-proof cover made of military fabric. Everything locally made.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 38

    Dale Pedales fanny pack

    Special edition designed and sewn in an absolutely artisanal way with the finest leather on the national market; created for carrying the basic stuff. Dyed using solely plant pigments. Local creation.

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 42

    Brunch for two or 6 packs of our coffee blend. Plus we will be more than happy to see you at our opening party

    Yes, you heard it right, the magic “Brunch for two”. That is what you get
    with your donation and on top of that, you will be invited to our official
    opening party party. So, (A) Brunch for two + cycling cap + invitation to
    the inauguration party or (B, if Madrid doesn´t work for you) the special
    cycling cap + 6 packs of coffee of 250 gr (shipping included) + the
    invitation to the inauguration party + acknowledgements on our home
    page, in both cases :)

    > 11 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 84

    Brunch for two once a month during the period of half year or ground coffee at home during the same period of time. All that in addition to the invitation to our official opening party :)

    Once again: (A) 6 double brunches + double invitation to the party +
    acknowledgements on our home page or (B, if you are not in Madrid)
    coffee at home for the time of half year (12 packs of 250 gr of coffee
    with shipping included) + La Bicicleta Café Cycling cap + a double
    invitation to the inauguration party + Acknowledgements on our home

    > 08 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 211

    Brunch for two once a month during the period of one year or ground coffee delivered to your home during the same period of time. And you cannot miss the inauguration party!

    So: (A) 12 double Brunches + double invitation to the inauguration
    party + Acknowledgements on out home page or (B, if Madrid doesn´t
    work for you) coffee at home for the time of half year (24 packs of 250
    gr of coffee with shipping included) + La Bicicleta Café Cycling cap + a
    double invitation to the inauguration party + Acknowledgements on our
    home page

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 220

    An opportunity to use our event hall/room for one evening; catering is included :)

    If you represent a company and you want to contribute to this cause,
    making this donation will bring you the chance to use our event room

    during one evening to organize whatever you wish. The offer includes
    drink catering (a bear barrel and soft-drinks) and snacks for your guests

    • double invitation to the inauguration party + acknowledgements on
      our home page
    > 02 Co-financiers

Tramo final de la primera etapa, ya vemos la meta y olemos el café!

13 | 12 | 2012
Tramo final de la primera etapa, ya vemos la meta y olemos el café!

En primer lugar nos gustaría agradecer a todos y cada uno de los participantes vuestro apoyo y entusiasmo para que el proyecto salga adelante. Cada una de las aportaciones valen su peso en oro para nosotros, por lo material y por lo emocional. Son la reafirmación de que nuestro proyecto puede ser interesante para fomentar el uso de la bici en la ciudad y nos transmiten el creciente interés que suscita la cultura del café.

Además de todas las aportaciones que habéis hecho, hemos recibido muchísimas muestras de apoyo y propuestas de colaboración sobre todo a través de emails y mensajes en Facebook.

También (cómo no) hemos encontrado algunas críticas que comprendemos desde un ángulo constructivo y que asumimos como errores en la comunicación de nuestro mensaje, pero no en el concepto del proyecto. Seguimos creyendo firmemente en apoyar a pequeños tostadores de café y volcarnos con el consumo local como forma de ofrecer la mejor calidad.

La verdad es que en proporción con todo el apoyo y el cariño recibido, estas críticas son un número muy limitado pero desgraciadamente son las que más pesan. Por eso os animamos a publicar vuestras muestras de apoyo en nuestra página de Goteo para que nos ayuden a impulsarnos en este ultimo tramo final.

Os recordamos que hemos puesto en marcha nuevas recompensas ciclistas (podéis ver imágenes en este post y en para agradecer a todos los que os apetezca ayudar y os guste el mundo de la bici. Sólo nos quedan tres días, pero estamos convencidos de que podemos lograrlo.

Gracias una vez más, nos vemos muy pronto!

Éstas son algunas de las recompensas que hemos conseguido ofrecer a cambio del apoyo de las personas más "ciclistas" :)


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