Gefinancierd op 18 / 01 / 2021
£ 8,464
£ 7,787
£ 9,819
207 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 8

    Tightrope walker apprentice.

    3-month membership as a member of the MEC.
    Digital album with the history of the project with a personal thank you.
    A place in our heart.

    Remember that when you donate you can deduct up to 80% of the total amount. You contribute € 10, the farm returns € 8. Check it out [here] (

    > 24 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 17

    Strongman in training

    Participation in a draw for circus material, courtesy of Mundo Malabares (
    6-month membership as a member of the MEC.
    Digital album with the history of the project with a personal thank you.
    A place in our heart.

    Remember that when you donate you can deduct up to 80% of the total amount. You contribute € 20, the farm gives you back € 16. Check it out [here] (

    > 20 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 21

    The unconditional

    Guaranteed entry to the opening show in the new marquee.
    Digital album with the history of the project with a personal thank you.
    A place in our heart.

    Remember that when you donate you can deduct up to 80% of the total amount. You contribute € 25, the farm gives you back € 20. Check it out [here] (

    > 27 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 34

    The duo wonders.

    Two tickets for the inaugural Gala of the new marquee or for the closing show of the course.
    Digital album with the history of the project with a personal thank you.
    A place in our heart.

    Remember that when you donate you can deduct up to 80% of the total amount. You contribute € 40, the hacienda returns € 32. Check it out [here] (

    > 20 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 34

    Human cannon of goodness.

    Participation in a draw for circus material, courtesy of
    6-month membership as a member of the MEC.
    1 online class or 3 face-to-face in the Tent of the stars.
    Digital album with the history of the project with a personal thank you.
    A place in our heart.

    Remember that when you donate you can deduct up to 80% of the total amount. You contribute € 40, the hacienda returns € 32. Check it out [here] (

    > 07 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 47

    The family visit.

    3 tickets for the inaugural Gala of the new marquee or for the closing show of the course.
    Digital album with the history of the project with a personal thank you.
    A place in our heart.

    Remember that when you donate you can deduct up to 80% of the total amount. You contribute € 55, the farm gives you back € 44. Check it out [here] (

    > 19 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 68

    Orchestra conductor

    Participation in a draw for circus material, courtesy of
    6-month membership as a member of the MEC.
    2 online classes or 6 face-to-face in the Tent of the stars.
    Digital album with the history of the project with a personal thank you.
    A place in our heart.

    Remember that when you donate you can deduct up to 80% of the total amount. You contribute € 80, the farm gives you € 64. Check it out [here] (

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 85

    Track Master

    Participation in a draw for circus material, courtesy of
    6-month membership as a member of the MEC.
    2 online classes or 6 face-to-face in the Tent of the stars.
    Digital album with the history of the project with a personal thank you.
    A place in our heart.

    Remember that when you donate you can deduct up to 80% of the total amount. You contribute € 80, the farm gives you € 64. Check it out [here] (

    > 14 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 423

    "Il Medicci"

    Participation in a draw for circus material, courtesy of
    6-month membership as a member of the MEC.
    15 on-line classes or a term in the classes you want in the Tent of the stars.
    Free admission to all the shows that take place in La Carpa de las Estrellas in the next 3 years.
    Digital album with the history of the project with a personal thank you.
    A place in our heart.

    Remember that when you donate you can deduct up to 80% of the total amount. You contribute € 500, the farm gives you back € 242.5. If you are a company, it returns € 175. Check it out [here] (

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 4,232

    Magnanimous philanthropist

    Circus cabaret style private show.
    Surprise basket (valued at more than € 500), courtesy of and the MEC.
    Life membership as a member of the MEC.
    15 on-line classes and free classes in perpetuity, in the classes you want, in the Tent of the stars.
    Free admission to all the shows that take place in La Carpa de las Estrellas forever.
    Open bar of refreshments within the facilities of the enclosure at any time of the day.
    Digital album with the history of the project with a personal thank you.
    A place in our heart.

    Remember that when you donate you can deduct up to 80% of the total amount. You contribute € 5,000, the farm returns € 1,817.5. If you are a company, it returns € 1,750. Check it out [here] (

    > 00 Co-financiers

About this project

Help us change our circus tent to continue with our classes, activities and shows.

Behoeften Infrastructuur Minimum Optimum
Una estructura de aéreos, de 7 mts. de altitud, con dos puntos de anclaje, homologada; que nos permita llevar la formación en aéreos cuando acudimos a impartir clases en los colegios y proyectos con los que colaboramos y realizar espectáculos al aire libre.
£ 1,693
En invierno la carpa puede ser un lugar muy frío, un calefactor no solo permite estar de una manera más confortable, sino que además evita lesiones
£ 537
2 Columnas de sonido Yamaha DBR 12
Con estos equipos la carpa quedaría lista en cuanto sonido para dar espectáculos.
£ 608
Pago de impuestos, tasas y comisiones
Las donaciones y las transacciones on line, así como los servicios de Goteo, suponen obligaciones y costes añadidos.
£ 2,647
Pago de impuestos, tasas y comisiones.
Las donaciones y las transacciones on line, así como los servicios de Goteo, suponen obligaciones y costes añadidos
£ 691
Behoeften Materiaal Minimum Optimum
Lonchas de seguridad
Equipamiento básico, útil para proteger en los saltos o en los equilibrios sobre objetos.
£ 254
Colchoneta de rebote inflable AirTrack
Especial para coger impulso en los saltos, sirve sobre todo para empezar a trabajar la técnica del salto cuando aún se carece de la suficiente potencia.
£ 292
Mini trampolín
Se usa sobre todo para la formación, un trampolín básico
£ 401
6 Colchonetas
Para trabajar en pasillo o de manera individual, elemento básico de seguridad.
£ 508
Decoración lona
Nos gustaría poner muchas estrellas en la carpa, sabemos que es ahora o nunca y queremos que este súper bonita
£ 846
Barras ledj slimline
Ya contamos con la iluminación perimetral de la otra carpa, pero con las barras led podríamos reforzar estas luces (que ya no llegaran con tanta fuerza), con una iluminación directamente en pista.
£ 690
Dimmer de luz
El dimmer es un aparato que permite operar las luces.
£ 229
Behoeften Taak Minimum Optimum
Gratificación a los docentes voluntarios
Desde el comienzo de este proyecto, tanto los formadores de la carpa, como otros docentes de circo con algo más de experiencia en las clases “online”, se ofrecieron a dar las clases de recompensa de manera altruista; nos gustaría poder retribuirles de alguna manera, con una contribución simbólica.
£ 423
Totaal £ 7,787 £ 9,819

General information

The MEC (Malaga Circus School), is a non-profit association formed by circus professionals, educators, students and parents of students, with the aim of carrying out cultural and sports activities related to the circus, in addition to managing the project of "La Carpa de las estrellas" . A circus school that prioritizes association.

Currently, the tent is in a unsafe state, without the possibility of repair (being impossible to repair its numerous cracks and leaks due to the general wear and tear of the entire tent as a result of its exposure to the sun and extreme weather conditions and with some metal structures that needed to be replaced ), so, at this time, we find ourselves on hold with the start of activities and looking for alternatives that allow us to start working.

This problem is aggravated in the current situation, since our main sources of income (classes, shows and contributions from partners and friends, many of them artists) have been considerably diminished as a result of the application of the COVID-19 health and safety protocols.

Because of this, a crowdfunding is our best chance of acquiring a new tent to give continuity to our project and continue offering cultural and training activities in a space with the proper conditions; From the result of this campaign, it depends on whether we can change the tent for a second-hand one (€ 13,000), which would allow us to continue operating for now or buy a new one (€ 31,000) that allows us greater long-term security and given the good reception of the project, continue growing.
We have established, for the duration of the campaign, exclusive rewards such as face-to-face or online classes and we will also offer free streamed shows.

"We are creating little stars ... Help our tent to be filled with them."

We are located in the village of Pizarra (Málaga) , in the rural environment of Valle del Guadalhorce , this makes our project unique, since it brings our cultural and sports activities especially closer to a population that in general tend to have fewer cultural, sports and training offers than populations with a greater number of inhabitants.

Our main activities are focused on the training, creation and exhibitioning of circus shows. Basing our pedagogy on the promotion of social, physical and emotional well-being (through principles such as the importance of a balanced diet and physical activity as a way of life, environmental education, solidarity, teamwork, emotional intelligence, the spirit of self-improvement, etc.): Our classes are aimed above all at children and young people in the region, students with special needs and groups of young people at risk of social exclusion.

On the other hand, our space functions as a catalyst for the region, our setting being a benchmark in the area; In this sense, we have performed more than 100 shows in which both local and international artists have performed before the public of the region, allowing, in many cases, emerging artists from the area to perform for the first time in front of their neighbors. We have also organized numerous circus meetings and we give our space to other groups (such as musicians, artisans, artists or dancers) not necessarily related to the circus; At the initiative of this first group we have also organized few Jam Sessions .

Belangrijkste kenmerken

Buy a new circus tent.
With € 13,000 we can buy a second-hand tent of the same dimensions as ours (17x16) and pay the corresponding taxes and expenses, which would allow us to continue working as before for a while longer or buy a new one for € 31,000 ** (€ 20,415 of the value of the tent plus expenses and taxes) which would allow us a greater long-term stability and perhaps pay some gratitude to the teachers who have offered to teach as rewards.

The purchase of a new tent would allow us not only to maintain our activity, but also to strengthen a growing project, which already has deep roots in the region, improving its security and solvency. 106218979-2785885684867911-8649053825592222032-o.j

Waarom is dit belangrijk

As artists, educators and families of students, our main motivation is the development of the school, the training of our students and the transmission of the values and culture of the circus.
Being able to develop our activities in an optimal way and being able to grow as a socio-educational project are our main priorities.
Our project is aimed mainly at children and young people in the region, characterized by its rural environment and made up of small towns and some urban centers.

We wanted to carry out a campaign that values how much we have to offer, for this we have turned to friends, artists, neighbors, students and people who, in one way or another, have participated in this project, to help us either with material, support videos, online classes, shows, to share a bit of how much life is lived inside this tent ; to all of them, THANK YOU VERY MUCH!.


Team en ervaring

For this campaign, a work commission was formed made up of partners and friends of the MEC (Malaga Circus School); circus professionals, musicians, teachers, parents and students of the "Carpa de las Estrellas"; Each one contributing from their areas of knowledge.
The commission is made up of:
Anthony Jones, President of the MEC.
Auxiliadora Perez Brescia, Vice President of the MEC
Lourdes, social worker and partner of the MEC
Josian, father of a student and partner of the MEC
Syl Aire, aerealist, teacher of the school and secretary of the MEC
Jose Manuel Podadera, musician and partner of the MEC
Rodrigo, circus artist and member of the MEC
Luna, MEC student
Afrika, MEC student


Social commitment

Sustainable Development Goals

  • Good Health and Well-Being

    Ensuring healthy lives and promoting the well-being for all at all ages is essential to sustainable development.

  • Quality Education

    Obtaining a quality education is the foundation to improving people’s lives and sustainable development.

  • Gender Equality

    Gender equality is not only a fundamental human right, but a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world.

  • Reduced Inequalities

    To reduce inequalities, policies should be universal in principle, paying attention to the needs of disadvantaged and marginalized populations.