Adaptación y mejora de OpenMRP para la versión 7 de OpenERP

Gearchiveerd op 07 / 01 / 2014
£ 237
£ 5,582
£ 18,268
5 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 42

    Recognition on CONTRIBUTORS.txt and Launchpad project page

    Funders will be mentioned on CONTRIBUTORS.txt file of the modules and on the Launchpad project page.

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 85

    Recognition: Publishing on web

    We will publish company logo or the co-funder name on Acknowledgment page on website.
    It will be also mentioned on CONTRIBUTORS.txt file on the modules and Launchpad project page.

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 423

    Recognition + online training session + access to pre-configured demo

    Those who give this amount, will receive, in addition to previous rewards, 2 sessions of 4 hours each for functional training on main module functionality, plus access to a demo database to make practices and testing what they need during one month,

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 1,269

    Recognition + online training session + Support + Installing

    Those who give this amount, will receive, in addition to recognition reward, 2 sessions of 4 hours each for functional training on main module functionality, plus 2 months of functional and technical support, plus an installation of the solution on own host or using our SaaS hosting during 6 months.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 2,114

    Recognition + Consultancy + Training + Customization + Installing + Tablet

    Those who are giving this amount, will receive, added to the recogniton:

    .- 4 sessions of 4 hours each of functional detailed training.
    .- 2 sessions of 4 hours each for bussiness consultancy where we could help you on focussing the solution to solve your company's specific problems, configuring correctly your master data and manufacturing processes on the system.
    .- 2 months of functional and technical support.
    .- Solution installation on your own server or using our SaaS hosting during 6 months.
    .- Funders can also ask for including a new specific functionality (to be valuated). Send e-mail to to see the viability of the request.
    .- You will also receive a preconfigured tablet for remote access (Only spanish funders).

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 2,537

    Recognition + Consultancy + Training + Customization + Installing + Tablet + Access to online training website

    Those who are giving this amount, will receive added to mention:

    .- 4 sessions of 4 hours each of functional detailed training.
    .- 3 sessions of 4 hours each of bussiness consultancy where we could help you on focussing the solution to solve your company's specific problems, configuring correctly your master data and manufacturing processes on the system.
    .- 2 months of functional and technical support.
    .- Solution installation on your own server or using our SaaS hosting during 6 months.
    .- Funders can also ask for including a new specific functionality (to be valuated). Send e-mail to to see the viability of the request.
    .- You will also receive a preconfigured tablet for remote access (Only spanish funders).
    .- They will also have access to all documentation and videotutorials on training online website for one year.

    > 00 Co-financiers

About this project

Comprehensive solution for the manufacturing sector based on free software

Behoeften Infrastructuur Minimum Optimum
Adapting OpenMRP modules to OpenERP 7
Adaptation of the current manufacturing modules that exists on 6.0/6.1 to version 7 of OpenERP. - Manufacturing master data - Management by operations - Cost control and analytic accounting link - Ghost BOMs management - Data Capture at plant
£ 5,074
Behoeften Taak Minimum Optimum
%8 from minimum will be taken from Goteo and %2 for bank commisions and PayPal
£ 507
Code cleaning to achieve community standars
Refactorization, code cleaning and usability improvement to achieve technical standars from OpenERP 7.0 and community. Performing of testing and code stabilization.
£ 4,229
Technical Documentation
Creating technical documentation with details of the tasks performed on the project
£ 1,691
Functional documentation
Creating functional documentation and videotutorials with real use cases and different ways to cover to setup several manufacturing typologies.
£ 2,114
YAML tests and community project
Creating YAML tests and publishing on community repositories covering OCA quality standars.
£ 2,960
Migrate additional modules
Migrate additional modules -Quality test integration- automatical BOM creation from sales- configuring BOM for different industries
£ 1,691
Totaal £ 5,582 £ 18,268

General information

Crowd-founding campaign to expand the manufacturing application suite based of free software called OpenMRP (, which extends the comprehensive business management solution OpenERP.

OpenERP is a comprehensive suite of applications that manages all aspects in a convenient, flexible and fast way, valid for any type of business (services, manufacturing, shop...), and any size (small, medium or large).

Currently, OpenMRP is already available for download, installation and use for version 6.1 of OpenERP.

The project includes code cleaning, improved integration with new and old features of the system and ensure easier adaptation to future versions of the base.

If the optimal amount is reached, we will complete technical and functional documentation, in addition to automated tests to ensure quality and avoid regressions in future changes.

Belangrijkste kenmerken

OpenERP is the open source ERP more powerful in the market. It allows an exhaustive control of the management of a company of any size and it also benefits from its open source nature. It has one of the most active communities in the sector, which contributes and enriches the ecosystem of software. The core of the software is developed and maintained by the Belgian company OpenERP S. A.

OpenERP covers the basic functionality of industrial or manufacturing companies, but there
are different industries that require to control their basic flows differently or more thoroughly. Therefore, in 2011, OpenMRP arrived in response to the need of covering all these flows, as complementary and integrated application with OpenERP, thanks to its excellent development framework and leveraging also the powerful functionality available in other areas.

The development was made for OpenERP 6.0 and 6.1 versions, resulting in a set of modules that can be added to an OpenERP base installation to extend and modify the behavior of the tools in the manufacturing area. Since then, there have been multiple deployments of such modules in real companies that have proven useful to treat advanced manufacturing issues, like:

  • Management of operations, machines, materials lists and production processes.
  • Management of the manufacturing by operations
  • Integration with sales, logistics, purchasing and invoicing
  • Outsourcing and treatment of all its details (stock loans, service invoicings, etc).
  • Creating semi-finished products at any stage of the manufacturing process.
  • Management of losses.
  • Costing of semi-finished and finished products with last purchase price, average and standard materials cost.
  • Costing of machine operators.
  • Data capture at plant.
  • Track and trace serials and lots.
  • Integration with quality tests.
  • Operations merging for optimizing machines use,
  • etc...

On December 21, 2012 , OpenERP S.A. released version 7.0, including some substantial improvements over the 6.1 version, as:

  • New web interface that emphasizes cleanliness and usability to facilitate the learning curve of the system, while the system unifies access to all platforms (PCs, phones, tablets , etc).
  • New integrated messaging system that promotes communication and social features from within the ERP itself, the first in the world to focus management software with this approach.

So getting this fundings is intended to adapt OpenMRP to OpenERP version 7.0, making full use of all the new features of the version, while it is provided with the complete functionality that OpenMRP gives, allowing many companies in industry sectors to benefit from the new, comprehensive and robust application that arises from this solution in free software.


Waarom is dit belangrijk

Our motivation begins with the experience we have obtained on the past with proprietary software and with several manufacturing solutions for companies. Most of the time, those solutions supposed a huge licence cost for the company. All of them were closed-source solutions, not allowing to be customized in an affordable budget. Sometimes they can not be adapted to company real needs and some of them are technologically obsolete and complicated to mantain, but they were selected because there was not an alternative solution on market.

The promoters of this project (us) believe on the common godd and the community spirit, and because of this, we feel the need of offering to manufacturing companies a free, adaptable, state of the art technology, sustainable, cheap and functional alternative that was inexistant on market.

To get it, we needed an strong base that allows adaptation and customizations, and we selected between all existant open source solutions OpenERP (version 6.0 in that moment). Then, we evolved the solution to version 6.1, and now we want not only to adapt modules to 7.0 but also evolve to a full manufacturing application suite fully integrated with OpenERP.

We believe our project could be interesting for:


  • Using technologically obsolete software, without maintenance.
  • Start-up wanting to automate and/or define their processes correctly from the begining, without being "software slaves", and paying and affordable amount for the project.
    • Wanting to have less licence costs.
    • Believing on shared tools and community work.

There is a lot of small companies having local solutions, limited tecnologically, with an interesting customer base, whose costs are growing up due to the metheorical evolution of technologies.
OpenMRP is really an alternative to take in mind to switch to and redirect their bussiness to a global solution adopted and validated for thousands integrators worldwide.

Anyone who would like to give their small contribution to the project would be really appreciated. A lot of smalls makes a big one.

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Doelen van de crowdfunding campagne

Raise funds for the adaptation to version 7, and the improvement of documentation and the usability of the manufacturing industry solution OpenMRP, conceived as an OpenERP extension.

If we get more than the minimum amount, we will refactorize all the code according to the latest quality standards in the world community, as well as OpenERP community coding guidelines to ensure that the maintenance will be minimal for future releases.

Finally, if we reach the optimum amount, the entire system will be completed with YAML automated tests to avoid regressions in future updates, and we'll elaborate full documentation of the modules and their functional coverage. It is also plan to propose the inclusion of the modules on community repositories, for full integration into the OpenERP ecosystem.

Everything done, always respecting the same philosophy that open source software maker, will be released under the open source license AGPL -3.

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Team en ervaring

Avanzosc ( is a company created on 2006 by Ana Juaristi, OpenERP integrator during a lot of years and OpenMRP original designer and creator, having big experience and expertise on manufacturing and industry sectors. The company also counts with big experience and resources on accounting, financials, logistics and projects, having implemented OpenERP in companies of several different sectors.

Pedro Manuel Baeza is an independent proffesional that starts with OpenERP in 2010, with more than 10 years of experience as information system manager in an industrial company, experienced on open source and privative sofwtare. During last 3 years, he has contributed with spanish and worldwide OpenERP community, collaborating in any aspect of them (coordinating, development, translation, bug support, help, etc), and that is why he is one of the spanish localization top contributor and one of the 24 community team member. The number of proposals made to adapt OpenERP spanish localization to version 7.0 made him having strong knowledge of the system last version. On the other side, his participation on reviewing and approval proccess on OpenERP OCB branches and community repositories, make him an expert on OpenERP core and the ecosystem around it.


Social commitment