Demokratisera framgång med ett co-working space i Alby!

Gefinancierd op 20 / 08 / 2017
£ 11,224
£ 11,097
£ 17,073
33 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 4

    High five!

    High five! Thank you for supporting us!

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 9

    Digital shoutout

    Tack you! For 10 euro we'll thank you with your name on our social media.

    > 08 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 26

    Video shout-out

    Thank you! For 30 euro you'll get a video shout-out from the Changers-team.

    > 06 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 43

    Personal video

    BIG THANKS! For 50 euro we'll send you a personal video shouts-out from the changers-team.
    Plus everything above.

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 85

    Your name in the co-working space

    Wow wow wow! For this generous give-away we will put your name on our walls. So that you forever and ever will be remembered as the one supporting our movement. Plus everything above.

    > 07 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 427

    One hour coaching + work place

    YOU THE BEST! A generous contribution like this shall be rewarded with nothing else but top treatment! Besides everything above, you'll also get one hour coaching by one of the founders, AND a special work seat for the rest of the year.

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 1,024


    We're about to cry. This is so beautiful of you to do. For 1200 euro you'll get everything above plus one hour lecture where one of the founder come to your organisation to teach you everything we know about inclusion and entrepreneurship. THHHAANNKKK YYYOOOUUU!

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 4,268

    Ett rum uppkallat efter dig

    OMG OMG OMG. For 5000 euro you'll get a WHOLE room named after you/your organisation. You till forever be a part of our history and be called one of the heroes who, in a early stage, made Changers Hub's co-working space happen <3 <3 <3

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 8,537

    Big Hall döpt efter dig

    AMAZING! Vårt största rum, Big Hall, vart vi har alla våra events, kurser, co-working space och workshops (samt rummet som figureras i videon) kommer att döpas efter dig eller ditt företag. Detta är den bästa synliga ytan som vi kan erbjuda, och rummet kommer endast bli möjligt med hjälp av D-I-G. Om du vill med till historien - så är detta vägen! Men skynda, det finns bara en Big Hall - om du vill ha det, ta det nu! Stort tack <3 <3 <3

    > 00 Co-financiers

About this project

Help us to democratize success and even out the odds for young people by creating a free co-working space in Alby.

Behoeften Materiaal Minimum Optimum
Such as chairs, table desks, dining table, etc
£ 4,268
Such as printer, wifi, computers
£ 4,268
Meeting room & kitchen
Buy paint and other materials for building meeting rooms and a working kitchen.
£ 4,268
Gadgets, projector for meeting room and better printers.
£ 1,707
Behoeften Taak Minimum Optimum
Hire painters and carpenter
£ 2,561
Totaal £ 11,097 £ 17,073

General information

For two years, non-profit organisation Changers Hub has supported over 700 young adults from the suburbs of Stockholm to make their ideas come to life and to achieve their full potential. The organisation has grown rapidly and now we move into new, amazing facilities to help more young adults from the local are, but also to, for the first time ever, open Changers Hub during daytime and offer free workplaces in a co-working space. Help ut to create the best, most rewarding and coolest entrepreneurial hub in Sweden!

Belangrijkste kenmerken

Changers Hub's co-working space is a place where young adults from non-privileged areas in Stockholm's urban areas can get a workplace free of charge. In addition to that, they get access to Changers Hub's other offerings, such as ideacoaching, courses and inspirational lectures. The hub will have open daytime and anyone with membership (which can be requested free of charge on Changers Hub's website) will have access to the co-working space. Now we need furniture such as chairs, desk tables, dining tables and kitchen utensils. As well as technology such as inspirational gadgets and computers. If we get enough funding, we will also paint and build a meeting room. The facilities are amazing! 350 square meters and lots of space for young people to get creative and to make all their dreams come to life.

Waarom is dit belangrijk

Changers Hub's vision is to even out the odds and to create a more equal society where everybody, no matter background, has the same possibilities in life to succeed. In addition to Changing Hub's ability to create better conditions at an individual level, such as accessing an important network and creating jobs, Changers Hub also contributes to a better suburb by raising role models and create pride in belonging to the local area.

Doelen van de crowdfunding campagne

The goal is to start renovating / furnishing summer 2017, and open the doors of September 2017 but to complete the project with the co-working space December 2017. The aim is also to accommodate more young adults and to use co-working space more than office-space; such as exhibitions, displays, work-rooms, etc.

Team en ervaring

The founders of Changers Hub has a long experience of entrepreneurship in the cultural, event and tech industries. The founders themselves are from Botkyrka and while they grew up here, they felt that good entrepreneurial initiatives were missing - and that our so called equal society is not that equal. What your name is, where you live, who your parents are makes a big difference in your chances in life. We want to change that. With a broad area of expertise, a large network and positive spirit, the team is working hard to create change in the outlying areas.
Siduri Poli: Operations Manager.
Amanias Abraha: Collaboration Manager.
Fares Hamed: Concept Manager.
Victoria Escobar: Community Manager.
Also in the team:
Elif Obeyd, Social media Manager
Sara Golpagong, Art Director
Rojhat Telo, Education Manager

Social commitment

Sustainable Development Goals

  • Decent Work and Economic Growth

    Sustainable economic growth will require societies to create the conditions that allow people to have quality jobs.

  • Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

    Investments in infrastructure are crucial to achieving sustainable development.

  • Sustainable Cities and Communities

    There needs to be a future in which cities provide opportunities for all, with access to basic services, energy, housing, transportation and more.