EPSEVG Racing Team Moto Student 2014

Gefinancierd op 13 / 06 / 2014
£ 1,712
£ 1,712
£ 2,569
38 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 4

    Pon tu nombre en nuestra moto

    Tal y como hacen pilotos de la talla de Antonio Maeso para participar en el legendario Tourist Trophy. Con una pequeña ayuda estarás presente con nosotros el día de la competición.

    > 12 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 9

    LLavero- Abridor de botellas

    Lleva un recuerdo de tu ayuda a nuestra causa, vayas donde vayas y aprovecha para tener siempre al alcance de tu mano este útil accesorio que nunca encuentras cuando buscas.

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 21

    Camiseta exclusiva EPSEVG RACING TEAM

    Luce una camiseta con el logo y número del EPSEVG RACINg TEAM.

    > 07 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 30

    Cargador portátil micro-USB

    Sigue al día de las últimas noticias sobre el EPSEVG RACING TEAM y sigue navegando con tu teléfono móvil a cualquier hora gracias a este suplemento de batería con el logo del equipo!

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 56


    Consigue el lote completo de merchandising de nuestro equipo.
    -Cargador micro usb
    -Tu nombre en la moto

    > 07 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 171

    Patrocinador Bronce

    Pon tu nombre personal o el de tu empresa en la moto. 30X10

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 342

    Patrocinador Plata

    Logo 50X20

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 642

    Patrocinador ORO

    Asegura el nombre de tu empresa en un sitio de honor. Logo de 65x30

    > 00 Co-financiers

About this project

Design and building of a MOTO3 competition motorcycle prototype for creating new opportunities to engineering students and promoting innovation in the motorcycling sector

Behoeften Materiaal Minimum Optimum
Fabricación y montaje de la motocicleta
- Compra del material para fabricar el chasis (bastidor y basculante): Necesitamos comparar el material estructural para cortar, soldar y tornear. - Compra de elementos para montaje: Rodamientos, tornillería.. - Componentes: Manillares, tija de dirección, filtro de aire, carenados, actuador del embrague, deposito de combustible...
£ 1,284
Behoeften Taak Minimum Optimum
Fase de montaje
Costes de soldadura y mecanizado del material del chasis
£ 428
Pruebas de rendimiento y de conducción.
- Alquiler de vehículo de transporte para carrera/ entrenamientos y pruebas de conducción - Consumibles ( neumáticos, combustible, repuestos)
£ 428
Publicidad y difusión
Material de publicidad y servicios de difusión de la campaña y de nuestro proyecto.
£ 428
Totaal £ 1,712 £ 2,569

General information

As students interested in motorcycling sector, we saw it as an ideal opportunity for entering this world and to put in exercice all the knowledge and skills we have acquired through this years.

All teams will have the same components (engine, wheels, suspension and brakes), obtaining in this way a need for wit and for introducing new ideas which can be applied not only in competition motorcycles, but in street bikes too.

This Motostudent edition will be the debut year for the Superior Engineering Polytechnic School of Vilanova i la Geltrú (E.P.S.E.V.G), and brings a chance for putting our school into sight, at a national and international level.

Belangrijkste kenmerken

The Motostudent challenge is composed by three different phases. Not only in the technical scope (design, building and performance improvement following the Motostudent restrictions), but also taking into account the economic aspects and the ellaboration of an industrial project. It is proposed to the teams to get sponsored, economically, but also technically and with material supplies. This way all the students are forced to get into contact with a very unknown aspect of the competition world, the need of finding sponsors. Moreover, in the industrial project phase, the students have to be able to build 600 units of the prototype spending a total cost of 4750€ per unit.


Waarom is dit belangrijk

All the team members have a great interest for the motorcycling world, and as we were involved in a technical kind of studies, we saw it as a unique chance of getting our vocation and our passion into one.

We are looking for people interested in the technological and scientific world, in the educational too, the social frame and design, who wants to help us reaching our dreams.

Doelen van de crowdfunding campagne

Through the crowfounding campaigns we would like to finally build the motorcycle, and to demonstrate that we are capable in front of other schools and colleges, in a national and international level.

The goal at a mid term is to buy the material for manufacturing the chassis and the rest of the components (handlebar, fuel tank, fairing and others).

In a long term, we would like to rent a vehicle for the transport to the racetracks, for doing performance tests and improvements on the engine. As well as addressing the consumible parts, like braking replacements, tires, fuel, etc.


Team en ervaring

The EPSEVG RACING TEAM is composed by students from different specialities of industrial engineering (mechanics, electronics and electrics) and industrial design engineering. We come from different studying background, like cycle degrees or baccalaureate.


Social commitment